You don't need
to be good.
You just need to
love the game!

Pricing For Thumb Drive Images:

3 Images: $50.00

6 Images: $75.00

10 Images: $90.00

All of your camp images are available on the thumb drive for $195.00

Welcome to the Event Photos page of
DHBA Baseball Adventures.

We have the 2018 Fantasy Camp Photos ready for you to browse now.  The photos of the A's vs. M's game and Pro's vs. Campers game are up too. 
Thank you for attending camp and enjoy!!
Please understand that these photos will not have the quality look that they can be printed as. They have been reduced in size and quality for faster loading and easier viewing. You image files will have the watermarks removed. 

If you come across any errors or if there is a wrong description tagged to a photo on the page, please notify us and we will address it immediately. 

Use this search engine to locate your pictures by typing in your last name.

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Please email us to place an order.
Thank you for your support of DHBA events!

